Configuring the Identity of AgilePoint Server's IIS Application Pool

You will need to configure the Identity of the Application Pool used by the AgilePoint Server application to ensure that the application has sufficient runtime security privileges.

To configure the identity of AgilePoint Server's IIS Application Pool, do the following.



  1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, and expand Application Pools.
  2. Right-click the application pool you want to configure and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Identity tab, and click either Predefined or Configurable.

    See the chart below for additional guidance.

    Instructions from Microsoft for configuring the application pool identity can also be found here:

    You should configure the Identity of the Application Pool as shown below:

    If using SQL Authentication If using Windows Authentication
    If using a Local Database Use the predefined Local System account (recommended) or a Local account Use a Local account that is also a db_owner of the database
    If using a Remote Database Use a Local account Use a Domain account that is also a db_owner of the database.
  4. When finished configuring, click OK.
    • Select Predefined - Local System if you want to use a built-in account and if the workflow database will be on the same machine or different machine as AgilePoint Server.
    • Select Configurable if you want to use a specific AgilePoint Service User Account for the identity of AgilePoint Server and in the User name and Password boxes, type the user name and password of the AgilePoint Service User Account. The Service Account could be a Domain account or a Local Administrator account. Domain accounts are typically used in remote database scenarios or for Windows Authentication. A Local Administrator account is used in local database scenarios or for SQL Authentication.