
A list of all parameters used in the AgilePoint Web Service API

Name Type Description
activityInstanceID string A string that contains the ID for an activity instance.
_api IWFWorkflowService A null parameter.
appName string A string that contains the name of the application. The name is case-sensitive.
assignee string The registered user name or group name.
assigneeType string The type for the assignee: Either user or group.
attachments string File attachments included with the email. This parameter must use a file path from the file system (for example, C:\file.txt) on the machine where AgilePoint Server is installed. If there is no attachment, you can pass null or String.Empty.
attribute NameValue

A NameValue array that contains the attributes that needs to be updated in the work item.

For a manual work item, the following attributes can be updated:

  • NAME

For an automatic work item, the following attributes can be updated:

  • STATUS - if the value is Canceled, Completed, Overdue, Running, or Waiting.

For an automatic work item, only DUE_DATE can be updated.

attributeName string A string that contains the name of the process instance attribute you want to retrieve.
attributes NameValue Name-value pairs associated with a custom ID.
basePID string The ID of the base process definition.
bDependent bool If true: The source work item waits until the linked work item is either completed or canceled, before it can be completed/canceled. If false: The source work item can be completed/canceled regardless of whether the linked work item is completed/canceled.
body string The text of the email (body).
cc string Persons copied on the email.
clientData string A string that contains the client data. If clientData is null, the system will keep existing client data, otherwise the relevant data would be overwritten.
configure string The report configuration in XML format.
customID string A work object ID as identified in the process instance. This method allows only one custom ID (work object ID).
customIDs string An array of strings that contains custom IDs (work object IDs).
delegation WFDelegation An object that specifies the details of the delegation rule, including the user whose tasks will be delegated and the designated user to whom to delegate the tasks.
delegationID string A string that represents the unique ID of a delegation object.
description string A string that contains the description of an entity.
duration WFTimeDuration A time-duration object that specifies the duration setting of the work item.
enabled bool A Boolean value: True enables the entity; False disables the entity.
eventID string A unique, 32-character event ID.
expr WFQueryExpr An object that represents the where clause of a SQL query expression.
filter string A string that contains the wildcard-enabled group filter in the format (name=<<wildcard filter>>)
from string The sender of the email.
fromUser string A string value that represents the user whose tasks will be delegated.
groupDistinguishedName string A string that contains the name of the group in LDAP format.
groupName string A string that contains the name of the group.
initiator string A string that contains the user name of the user who initiates process.
instruction WFPartialRollbackInstruction An object that specifies the instructions for the partial rollback.
instruction WFProcessMergingInstruction An object that specifies the instructions for the merge.
instruction WFProcessMigrationInstruction An object that specifies the instructions for the migration.
instruction WFProcessSplitting An object that specifies the instructions for splitting the process instance.
list KeyValue A list of key-value pairs you want to add to the list of properties.
locale string A string that contains the client locale in the format en-US.
mID string A string that contains the unique ID for an email notification.
name string A string that contains the name of an item, such as a property or attribute.
names string An array of strings that contains the names of items, such as a properties or attributes.
newAssigneeUserID string The User ID for the user to which you want to assign the work item.
objectID string Reserved for future use. Leave null.
originalUserID string The user ID for the original user assigned the work item.
PID string The process definition ID for a released process definition.
PIID string A 32 character unique process instance ID for the process instance you are creating. If you set this value to null, the AgilePoint Server generates the ID.
PIName string A unique process name that is associated with the process definition. The maximum length of process instance name is 1024 characters.
priority enum The email's priority. Values can be high, normal, or low.
processDefinitionName string The name of the process definition.
processInstanceID string A string that contains the ID of the process instance.
processTemplateID string The unique identifier for the process definition to be checked out for modification.
reserved string null.
responsibleUser string A string that contains the name of the responsible user of this group. The responsible user must be a registered AgilePoint user.
sql string A string that contains the where clause of the SQL statement you want to query.
startImmediately bool An obsolete, legacy parameter that must be true.
subject string The subject of the email.
superPIID string A 32-character unique process instance ID that acts as a parent process instance of the process instance that is intended to create. In other words, this is the ID of the process instance on which you want to base your new process instance.
to string Recipient of the email.
toUser string The designated user who will receive the delegated tasks.
user RegisteredUser A RegisteredUser object that contains user information.
reportName string A string that contains the name of a report.
rights WFAccessRights Array of index values that specifies the rights that are assigned to the Role. See the following table for appropriate indexes. WFAccessRights provides the enums for rights. See the sample code for more information.
roleName string A string that contains the name of a role.
source string A string that contains the LDAP path to the domain. If the value is null, the AgilePoint Server machine domain will be used.
sourceWorkItemID string A unique, 32-character ID for the original, or source, work item.
status string The status of the associated item.
userIcon byte Byte array representation of icon image.
userID string A string that contains a user ID for the user associated with the work item.
userName string A string that contains the user name for the user. This member must be a registered AgilePoint user.
val object An object that contains the value of the custom attribute.
wID string A 32-byte unique work item (task) ID that represents a manual work item.
workObjectID string A 256-character ID for an object, such as a document, that is associated with the process instance. (Even though the field size is 256 characters, in common practice, this will usually return a 32-character GUID.)
workObjectInfo string A 1024-character string associated with the process instance. Usually this parameter is used to hold more information about the work object, such as a URL for a document, within the process instance.
workToPerform string A string that specifies the work to perform.
xml string A string that contains process definition in XML format. To generate the process definition file in XML format, in AgilePoint Envision, click File > Export & Import > Save As Deploying File(xml). You can also download the process definition XML from AgilePoint Enterprise Manager.