Finding Information in the Documentation Library

The information in this topic will help you to locate information in the AgilePoint Documentation Library.

Using the Table of Contents

The table of contents in the AgilePoint Documentation Library is divided by content areas. For example, the Installation section includes all the information you need to install AgilePoint BPMS. The AgilePoint API section includes information about the AgilePoint APIs.

You can use the Table of Contents to explore the AgilePoint documentation content and find the information you want.


The web-based documentation includes a centralized search for all documentation content. To search for information:

  1. In the AgilePoint Documentation Library, click the Search tab. In the Search box, enter 1 search team, and click Search.

    The search results display in alphabetical order by topic title.

    It is important to understand that the third-party software AgilePoint uses to generate web-based documentation allows only 1 search term. More than 1 search term will cause the search to fail.

    AgilePoint recommends using a relatively unique search term to find the information you need. For example, entering a common term, such as "process," will return a high percentage of the total documentation topics in the search results.

  2. Browse the list of topic titles to find the information you want.


The PDF documentation is provided mainly for the purpose of printing and archiving. To print a set of information:

  1. Navigate to the main page of the Documentation Library from which you want to print.
  2. In the list of documents, click the document name in the PDF column.
  3. From your PDF reader software, print the portion of the document you want.