Can URLs Be Used in the Attachments Field of an Email Template?

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Can URLs be used in the attachments field of an email template, for example to attach a file from a SharePoint document library?

The current version of the email template engine is only able to handle files that reside in the AgilePoint Server machine's file system. It is not yet capable of attaching files using HTTP or other URL's. If you need to attach a file from a SharePoint document library, the solution is to design your process model in a way that downloads the file first before sending the email. You can use the Download Files AgileShape in the Microsoft SPS stencil to download the file to the local file system where AgilePoint Server is running. You can then attach it to an email using the file system path.


Below is an example of how the Download Files AgilePart can be configured:

The AbsoluteURL property specifies the URL of the SharePoint document library (or subfolder) the file(s) should be downloaded from (E.g. http://MachineName:Port/sites/SiteName/DocumentLibraryName).

The Filter property specifies the filename (or a filename filter containing wildcards) that will be used to determine which file(s) are downloaded from the source location specified by the AbsoluteURL property (E.g. MyFile.doc, *.xml, *.*).

The LocalPath property specifies the location of the local file system folder that the file(s) will be downloaded to. The value of this property should be a relative path that specifies the location of the folder relative to the AgilePoint Server application's root directory (E.g. If AgilePoint Server is installed at: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AgilePointServer\ and the file (once downloaded) should be located at: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AgilePointServer\files\MyFile.doc then this property should be set to the following value: "${HomeDirectory}\files").

Below is an example of how the Attachments field in the corresponding Email template for the Email AgileShape can be configured:

E.g. C:\AgilePoint\AgilePointServer\IOPForms\IOPDocument1.doc