Set Item Permission Custom AgilePart for SharePoint Integration v2


Samples and instructions for creating a custom AgilePart that enables you to change the permissions for a list item on the fly in AgilePoint SharePoint Integration v2.


AgilePoint SharePoint Integration v1provided an AgilePart called Item Permission, which enabled permissions to be modified for an item in a SharePoint list on the fly. However, this functionality violates Microsoft Gold Level Certification policy in SharePoint Integration v2. This functionality violates Gold Level policy because it is only available through the Server Object Model and not through web services, which would mean that a custom web service must be placed on the SharePoint server. For these reasons, it was not included in SharePoint Integration v2.

For customers who are willing to place custom web services on SharePoint servers, it possible to use this functionality by creating a custom AgilePart. The linked file provides samples and instructions for creating this custom AgilePart. 
