Server Log File for Troubleshooting

Applies To


Sometimes a process may not be running in a desired manner that application developer may want to find our more information for the problem shooting.


Troubleshooting the AgilePoint Server.


AgilePoint Server spools error messages and server information into the netflow.log file. This file contains valuable information that is very useful in troubleshooting AgilePoint Server. Application developer can also spool their error messages into this log file to debug their own custom code. This netflow.log file is located under the folder:

[AgilePoint Web Site Path]\AgilePointServer\log

The following are sample log messages from the netflow.log where it shows a custom attribute is not set up correctly by the client's application:

Failed to find the custom attribute or property of process template stub. 
    and attribute/property name='Sybase'.
at Ascentn.Workflow.Core.WFProcessInstancePropeller.FromImport(IWFActivityInstance ai)
at Ascentn.Workflow.Core.PromoteProcessInstanceEventHandler.FromImport(WFProcessInstance 
    pi, IWFActivityInstance ai)
at Ascentn.Workflow.Core.PromoteProcessInstanceEventHandler.
    PromoteProcessInstance(IWFRunner runner, WFProcessInstance instance, 
    WFEvent evt)
at Ascentn.Workflow.Core.PromoteProcessInstanceEventHandler.Execute(WFEvent evt, 
    IWFRunner runner)
at Ascentn.Workflow.Core.WFProcessRunner.ProcessEvent(WFEvent evt)