Received error when doing "Save Target As" to document link in AgilePoint's SharePoint Task List Control web part

Applies To


In the AgilePoint TaskList Control Web Part, right mouse on a document link and select 'Save Target As...' such as:

the following error will occur:

Internet Explorer cannot download...51FEF87471EAFA5FB2DAD1094AA') from launchInfoPath('http.

Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.


Unlike the actual document or form library which you can use the option of 'Save Target As...' to save the document or form, the document link does not refer to the actual link to the document, instead it is associated with a JavaScript call. Therefore, trying to use the 'Save Target As...' option will return the above error in which the document cannot be saved here.


If you want to save the document shown in the web part to the local machine, there are two ways you can achieve that:

  1. Click on the Location link in the web part which will bring you to the actual document or form library. Now, right mouse and select 'Save Target As...' against the file you want to save.
  2. Or, click on the Task link in the web part to open up the form or document. File > Save As to save the file to local machine.