FAQs / AgilePoint API |
API such as QueryWorkList and QueryWorkListEx can be used to query a list of Work Items based on the process template name even though the WF_MANUAL_WORKITEMS table does not have a column for Process Template name (which is kept in a separate table).
The following is an example of query a list of work items with a specific process template name.
string where = ""; SQLExprBuilder eb = SQLExprBuilder.GetBuilder( Global.DataBaseVendor ); if ( criteria.processTemplateName != null && criteria.processTemplateName.Length > 0 ) { // To query the work item list belong to the specified process template name if ( where.Length > 0 ) where += " and "; where += eb.GetExpr("WF_PROC_DEFS.DEF_NAME", Constants.EQ, criteria.processTemplateName ); } wks = api.QueryWorkListEx( where );
public WFManualWorkItem[] GetProcessInstanceWorkItems( string ProcessInstanceID ) { string _searchClause = ""; try { if ( ProcessInstanceID.Length > 0 ) _searchClause += "WF_PROC_DEFS.DEF_NAME = '" + ProcessTemplateName + "'"; WFManualWorkItem[] wks = api.QueryWorkListEx( _searchClause ); return wks; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Exception( "Error with GetProcessInstanceWorkItems", e ); } }