Some Users Can't Log On to Enterprise Manager and/or Access SharePoint pages

Applies To


Some users (e.g. only users that are part of the "local administrators" group on the server) can login to AgilePoint Enterprise Manager, but other users cannot, even though all of the users have been added as "AgilePoint Users" via AgilePoint Enterprise Manager. Also, the IIS logs for the AgilePoint Server Web site record HTTP 401.5 status codes for some of the POST Requests to "/AgilePointServer/Workflow.asmx". Or When accessing SharePoint sites, libraries, or pages, the browser displays the Login/Authentication window. After entering the Username and Password of a valid SharePoint user, the Login/Authentication window may reappear (sometimes up to 3 times or more). After entering a valid username and password one or more times, the browser will display a warning that the page cannot be accessed and/or displayed and/or found. Also, the IIS logs for the SharePoint Web site may contain HTTP 401.5 status codes for some of the HTTP Requests to the affected URL(s).


The above symptoms can occur if AgilePoint Server's physical directory is being affected by custom file system security settings (e.g. DACL settings) that prevent certain users or groups from accessing AgilePoint Server's physical directory, or the .asmx files within that directory.

The above symptoms may also occur if the SharePoint web site's physical directory (or certain files related to the SharePoint web site or to AgilePoint SharePoint Integration) is being affected by custom file system security settings (e.g. DACL settings) that prevent certain users or groups from accessing certain files.


You (or your server's administrator) will need to check (and possibly change) the file system security settings for the files and folders mentioned above to make sure they are accessible to the users that will be accessing them.

For example, to check the settings for the "Workflow.asmx" file mentioned above, you would do the following:

  1. From Windows Explorer, locate AgilePoint Server's physical directory, right-click and select Properties.
  2. On the Security tab, verify that the "MachineName\Users" group has both "Read" and also "Read & Execute" permissions set to "Allow".

  3. From Windows Explorer, locate "Workflow.asmx" (in AgilePoint Server's physical directory), right-click and select Properties.
  4. On the Security tab, verify that the "MachineName\Users" group has both "Read" and also "Read & Execute" permissions set to "Allow".

If the security settings are not configured as described above, check with your server's administrator to see what custom security settings are affecting AgilePoint Server and/or AgilePoint Enterprise Manager. You (or your server's administrator) will need to override (and/or change) the inherited security settings in order to allow the files and folders installed by AgilePoint to be accessible to the users that will be accessing them.