What is the Purpose of the Location Column on the SharePoint Web part?

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What's the purpose of the Location column in the AgilePoint SharePoint Web Part. Sometimes it is showing information such as Process Instance ID which is not meaningful to the end users.


Please see details below.


The Location column is used different depending whether it is a SharePoint document/form based process or a Web application based process.

For SharePoint Document/Form library based processes, the location column in the SharePoint Web part is used to show the location of the document or form relative to the SharePoint server. This provides user a quick link into the actual library to perform addition work if needed, such as editing or viewing the properties of the document etc.

When you are incorporating Web application tasks into the SharePoint Web part, this column instead will be used to display the Process Name associated with this particular task. This provides you the additional information to reference the process instance that is associated with the task. In some Web application processes, it may show the Process Instance ID here if the process instance uses process instance ID as the process name. Normally, this is controlled by the process initiation program/module of your web app. If you use the ProcessInstanceID as the name of the process instance during the process instance creation, therefore the ProcessInstanceID will be shown here.

In order to show more meaningful name here for the web app. based processes, it is recommended to use a more meaningful Process Name during the process creation. One example is to use the combination of the Process Template Name and a time stamp.