How to Escalate a Task that is Assigned to a Group, but No One Claims It After 24 Hours?

Applies To


If a task is being assigned to a group of people and if no one claims the task after 24 hours, they want to escalate the task to another person.


The escalation can be easily accomplished using the Manual with TimeOut activity. Please see below for more details.


The above scenario can be accomplished with the following process map:

For the Review activity, tasks will be assigned to multiple people and the timeout duration will be set as 24 hours.

The following is how you set up the Review activity.

First, assign the activity to a group using the Participants property. In this example, an AgilePoint group 'Reviewers' is assigned. The Max. Participant property is set to '1' in this example which means only one person is needed to claim and perform the task.

For the Time Span, select 'Hour' as the Unit and enter '24' as the Length. Make sure you set the Business Time property to 'False' to specify the 24 hours is NOT Business Hours.

With these settings, if one of the people in the Reviewers group claims and performs the task within the 24 hours, the process will move to the next activity which is the 'Approve' activity.

However, if no one claim the task after 24 hours, the Review activity will be timed out and the process will be routed to the Escalated Review activity in which you will assign the same Review (Work To Perform) task or a different Work To Perform task to another person.