Use Active Directory as the Source of AgilePoint User Information

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Describe several ways in which Active Directory (AD) can be integrated with AgilePoint.


AgilePoint supports enterprise level user/role/group management that can easily integrate with and link to Active Directory, domain user database, LDAP, etc.

Three different methods for integrating AgilePoint with Active Directory are described below.


Two different methods for integrating AgilePoint with Active Directory are described below:

A) In AgilePoint Enterprise Manager, you can connect to your AD remotely and selectively reuse the user credential info from your AD by associated username and email address to AgilePoint. Only the users that are associated with AgilePoint will have access to AgilePoint.

B) AgilePoint can run a daemon module to monitor the 'subset' of AD users that will be granted access to AgilePoint and dynamically update the association when changes are made to the AD .