Configure Session State Handling

After installing AgilePoint Server and Enterprise Manager, you must configure session state handling. There may be several valid options, depending upon your environment and your organization's requirements.

Value Description
InProc This is the default value for ASP.NET. This value is suitable for single-machine AgilePoint Server environments; you cannot use this setting for NLB.
StateServer This setting can be used in a single-machine or NLB environment to manage the session state using the ASP.NET State Service Windows Service. To use the StateServer setting, the ASP.NET State Service must be running on a separate machine from AgilePoint Server.
SQLServer In NLB environments, this setting allows the AgilePoint Servers to store their session data on a separate machine in a SQL Server database. If an AgilePoint Server fails, another server in the cluster can take over and serve requests without session data loss.
Off This setting enables you to turn off the session state for AgilePoint Server. This setting can help to improve performance of AgilePoint Server in NLB environments. You cannot use this session for Enterprise Manager.
Custom This setting requires custom coding. For more information, contact AgilePoint Support.

If you use Session State handling in an NLB environment, note the following:

To set up session state handling:

  1. Run InstallSqlState.sql (installed by default in [system root]\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version) on the computer running SQL Server that will store the session state (i.e. the db server). This creates a database called ASPState with new stored procedures and ASPStateTempApplications and ASPStateTempSessions tables in the TempDB database.
  2. Open the AgilePoint Server and AgilePoint Enterprise Manager web.config files. In the <sessionState> node, set the values as required for your environment.

    For example, if you are using the SQLServer setting, the SQL connection string must point to the session state SQL Server database on the DB server machine that stores the session data:

    <sessionState mode="SQLServer" 
    sqlConnectionString="[your sessionState database connection string]" 

    If you are using the Off setting, no further information is required:

    <sessionState mode="Off" />