Uninstall AgilePoint SharePoint Integration v1


  1. Log on to the SharePoint machine as a user with sufficient privileges to access the SharePoint configuration database.
  2. Manually back up the web.config file of your SharePoint site. The web.config for SharePoint is located under the Virtual Directory of your SharePoint Web site (C:\inetpub\wwwroot when it is installed in the default Web site).
  3. Verify that none of the following programs are running. If any of the above programs are in use during uninstallation, they could potentially prevent the uninstaller from completely removing installed components.
    1. Microsoft Internet Explorer
    2. Any web pages that include the SharePoint Web Parts.
    3. Microsoft IIS
    4. Microsoft InfoPath (If it is installed)


  1. In Windows, use Add or Remove Programs to remove the following program:
    • AgilePoint SharePoint Integration
  2. Open the SharePoint site that contains the AgilePoint Integration in Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer.
  3. In the _catalogs folder, click on wp (Web Part Gallery).
  4. Select the Web Parts and delete them.
  5. Run the following command prompt to delete the AgilePoint Web Part Package.
    stsadm –o
         deletewppack –name apwpcab.cab –url http://...
  6. Run the following command to uninstall the AgilePoint Web Parts from the SharePoint Farm.
    stsadm –o uninstallfeature -id 
       134872ac-c2bf-4afc-b1e3-4d809934c51f –force
  7. (Optional) The uninstallation may not remove some of the AgilePoint SharePoint Integration configuration settings from your SharePoint site's web.config file. The web.config for SharePoint can be found under the Virtual Directory of your SharePoint Web site (e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot when it is installed in the default web site).

    If you want to remove those settings, you can manually remove the following items from your SharePoint web.config:

    AgilePoint Server References:

       <add key="AgilePointUrl" value="http://[machineName]:[portNum]/
          AgilePointServer" />
       <add key="AgilePointDomain" value="[domainname]"/>
       <add key="AgilePointUsername" value="[username]"/>
       <add key="AgilePointPassword" value="[encrypted password]" 

    AgilePoint Web Part References:

    <SafeControl Assembly="APWP, Version=,
       Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2f06ef94bac0a0f" Namespace="APWP"
       TypeName="*" Safe="True" /> 
  8. Remove the AP folder at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS
  9. Remove the Ascentn.SharePoint.Common Assembly Reference from the SharePoint web.config.
  10. It is recommended to restart your system after uninstalling the AgilePoint SharePoint Integration component.