Run the Windows Service Client Utility Tool

If you are installing SharePoint Integration in a Windows Service environment, you must run the Windows Service Client Utility Tool to configure the binding with the AgilePoint Server.



To open the Windows Service Client Utility Tool, do one of the following:


  1. In the AgilePoint Windows Service Client Utility Tool dialog box, complete the following fields:
    • Service Address – The URI for the Windows Service for which you are creating the binding. The information required to build this URI is provided in the AgilePoint Server Manager window.
    • HTTP - http://[APServer Machine Name]: [Http Port]/AgilePointServer

      When you create the bindings for the web application, the settings are automatically configured in the web.config file for both HTTP and TCP protocols. By default, the HTTP bindings are used. However, you can switch to TCP by modifying the following properties in the web.config:

      • Change the following so value="NetTcpBinding_IWCFWorkflowService"
        <add key="WorkFlowBindingUsed" value="WSHttpBinding_IWCFWorkflowService" />
      • Change the following so value="NetTcpBinding_IWCFEventServices"
        <add key="EventServicesBindingUsed" value="WSHttpBinding_IWCFEventServices" />
      • Change the following so value="NetTcpBinding_IWCFAdminService"
        <add key="AdminBindingUsed" value="WSHttpBinding_IWCFAdminService" />
    • Target Config – The file name and location of the configuration file for the application you are configuring.
      • SharePoint Integration – The web.config for the SharePoint web application you want to bind.
      • Data Services – DataServicesWindowsService.exe.config in the Data Services installation folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Data Services\
      • AgileForms - The web.config file in the AgileForms installation folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\BWS\AFInt\Webroot\
      • Deployment Service - apds.exe.config file in the Deployment Service installation folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Deployment Service\
  2. Click Settings to configure the following fields:
    • Max Buffer Size
    • Max Buffer Pool Size
    • Max Received Message Size
    • Max String Content Length
    • Max Array Length

    Guidance for modifying these values can be found at the following articles on MSDN: