Configure AgileReports

  1. On the Active Directory to which AgilePoint Server is connected, create a Windows group named adHocAdmin.
  2. Add the Administrator user to the adHocAdmin group.
  3. Log off of AgilePoint Server, and log on again.
  4. In your database application (SQL Server or Oracle), create a new database. The database name should match the database AgileReports Database Name you entered during installation. The default is AgileReportsMetaDB.
  5. (Oracle only) If you are using Oracle, download the file Then unzip the file to the hard drive on the machine where AgileReports is installed.
  6. In your AgileReports database, execute one of the following scripts:
    • SQL Server - [AgileReports Virtual Directory]\Database\MetaDataDB Script.sql
    • Oracle - [AgileReports _Oracle unzip folder ]\ Oracle Script.sql
  7. (SQL Server only) In your AgilePoint database, execute the SQL script [AgileReports Virtual Directory]\Database\AgilePointDB Script.sql
  8. In an XML editor, open the file [AgileReports Virtual Directory]\_Definitions\Settings.lgx.
  9. In Settings.lgx, modify the <Security> node with the following changes:
    • LogonPage - The AgilePoint Enterprise Manager main logon page. To find this location, open the Enterprise Manager web client, and copy the URL up to the end of the file name, LogonForm.aspx . The default value is http://[hostname]/EnterpriseManager/Common/LogonForm.aspx. However, this value may not be correct. You may need to modify the host, port number, or other elements within the URL.
    • LogonFailPage - The AgilePoint Enterprise Manager main logon page. See the instructions for LogonPage.
    • NTAuthenticationDomain – Verify the domain name is correct.
  10. (Oracle only) If you are using Oracle, in Settings.lgx, replace the following <Connection> node with the node below:
    • Old node:
      <Connection Type="Application" ID="ahMetadata" 
      Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial 
      Catalog=AgileReportsMetaDB;Data Source=." Label="" 
      ahDBType="SQLSERVER" />
    • New node representing the connection for the AgileReports metadata database:
      <Connection Type="Oracle" ID="ahMetadata" 
      ahDBType="ORACLE" Label="" ahUseANSI="False" 
      OracleUser="AgileReports" OraclePassword="pass" 
      OracleServer="[hostname]" OracleDatabase="AgileReportsMetaDB" 
      OracleProtocol="TCP" OraclePort="1521" />
      • OracleUser="AgileReports" – The user ID for your AgileReports metadata database.
      • OraclePassword="pass " – The password for your AgileReports metadata database.
      • OracleDatabase="AgileReportsMetaDB" – The service name or ID for your AgileReports metadata  database.
      • OraclePort ="1521" – The port number for your AgileReports metadata database.
      <Connection ID="1" CommandTimeOut="90" 
      Label="AgilePoint40" ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated 
      Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial 
      Catalog=AgilePoint40;Data Source=." Type="Application" 
      ahDBType="SQLSERVER" />
    • New node representing the database you want your reports to analyze. You can have multiple copies of this connection string, each with its own database information. The example below assumes the default connection to the AgilePoint database.
      <Connection ID="1" CommandTimeOut="90" 
      Label="AgilePoint" Type="Oracle" ahDBType="ORACLE" 
      ahUseANSI="False" OracleUser="AgilePoint"
      OraclePassword="pass" OracleServer="[hostname]"
      OracleDatabase="AgilePoint" OracleProtocol="TCP"
      • OracleUser="AgilePoint"– The user ID for your database.
      • OraclePassword="pass" – The password for your database.
      • OracleDatabase="AgilePoint" – The service name or ID for your database.
      • OraclePort="1521" – The port number for your database.
  11. Restrict the access for the users for the databases from which you collect data (not the  users  to connect and resource.
  12. In the web.config file in the virtual folder for the Enterprise Manager web application, add the following element as a child of <appSettings> with the correct AgileReports URL:
    <add key="AgileReportUrl" 
    value="http://[AgileReports domain name and port number]/AgileReports/Default.aspx"/>
  13. (Oracle only) If you are using Oracle, copy the report files (files with the file nameahReport*.lgx) that are provided in, and paste them in the folder [AgileReports Virtual Directory]\_Definitions\_Reports\