Deployment Time Behavior

Deployment Time behavior is useful when you want to perform a custom action during process deployment to AgilePoint Server. Deployment Time behavior runs on AgilePoint Server when process templates are created, checked in, checked out, released, or deleted.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using Ascentn.Workflow.Base;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace Ascentn.AgileExtender.Sample
    public partial class MyAgileExtenderDescriptor
        #region [ Constructor ]

        public MyAgileExtenderDescriptor(bool designTime)
            : base(designTime)
            if (!base.DesignTime)
                this.CreateProcessDefinition += new 
                this.CheckoutProcessDefinition += new 
                this.DeleteProcessDefinition += new 
                //Add the necessary event handlers


        #region [ Event Handlers ]

        private void OnDeleteProcessDefinition(object sender, 
            WFDeleteProcessDefinitionArgs e)
                {0}", base.ComponentTypeID);

        private void OnCreateProcessDefnition(object sender, 
            WFCreateProcessDefinitionArgs e)
                {0}", base.ComponentTypeID);

        private void OnCheckoutProcessDefinition(object sender, 
            WFCheckoutProcessDefinitionArgs e)
                {0}", base.ComponentTypeID);

The user can get IWFAPI & IWFAdm object from the event args. These objects can then be further used to interact with AgilePoint Server. For deployment time behavior, create a delegate for the deployment events in the constructor, and add code in event handlers to handle the events in a customized way. The following events can be customized according to user requirements: