Web Service

An AgilePart activity that accesses a Web Service and its methods which are registered in AgilePoint Envision. The user can select the appropriate Web Service and its specific method using the Web Service shape.

Properties for This AgilePart

Field Name Definition

Default value: False

This property determines whether this AgileShape is exited immediately after invoking the Web service method, or will wait to exit until the activity's status is explicitly updated to Complete. This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • False - This value indicates that the AgileShape invoke its associated .NET method synchronously. The AgileShape will be exited (at runtime) immediately after invoking the Web service method.
  • True - This value indicates that the AgileShape invoke its associated .NET method asynchronously (i.e. in a separate thread). The AgileShape will be exited (at runtime) only after the activity's status is explicitly updated. This explicit update could be performed manually (e.g. using AgilePoint Enterprise Manager) or automatically by an external system (e.g. by a separate application that uses the AgilePoint Workflow API to programmatically update the activity's status).

Opens the Web Service Configuration dialog box, where you can configure which Web service method should be invoked at runtime. It also allows the process modeler to configure the custom process attributes that should be associated with the Web service method's parameters (if any), and the custom process attribute that will be used to store the Web service method's return value (if any).


Default value: None

This property allows the process modeler to configure which authentication credentials (i.e. windows user account) should be used to invoke the Web service method at runtime. Click the Ellipses button to open the Login dialog.


This property allows you to specify that a proxy server should be used to connect to the Web service at runtime. It allows you to bypass the permission constraints on the local machine at runtime.


Default value: 600

Specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that should be allowed for the completion of the web service call for this AgileShape.


Default value: False

This property determines whether the data returned by the Web service call invoked by this AgileShape will be serialized as XML or not. This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • False - This value indicates that the return value will be stored into the specified custom process attribute exactly as returned by the Web service.
  • True - This value indicates that the return value will be serialized into an XML string before being stored into the specified custom process attribute exactly as returned by the Web service.

AgilePart Properties

The properties of the basic AgilePart AgileShape are also included in this AgileShape. For more information, see AgilePart.