Web Form

This AgileShape can be used to represent a manual (i.e. human input required) activity that uses a Web page as the user interface for the activity. Since the associated Web page's URL is configurable (and can include URL parameters), one common use of this AgileShape is to associate several different activities with the same Web page. Each activity (i.e. each AgileShape instance) can pass different input to the Web page (via URL parameters) in order to make the Web page initialize appropriately for each individual activity. 

Another feature of the WebForm shape is that it lets you configure "User Defined Properties". This is basically a way of allowing you to specify a set of name/value pairs that are passed to your Web page via an object called a WorkItem. This is an alternative to passing data via URL parameters. In your Web page you can retrieve this data via the ClientData property of the WorkItem. It is then up to you to decide how to use the data. Another feature of the WebForm shape is that it has the ability to integrate with Microsoft Exchange. The User's Guide has some explanation on this.