Remove User

This AgileShape can be used to remove a user(s) from AD. The user name(s) can be a real name, custom attribute, or schema.

Properties for This AgilePart

Field Name Definition

Opens the Set Context Properties window, where you can specify the Active Directory properties.


Specifies the Active Directory Services Interface provider type. At this time, only LDAP is supported.


Specifies the user information to be affected (e.g., used or disabled) from Active Directory. When you need to affect multiple users, the user names should be separated by a semicolon.

There are several ways to specify user names to be affected in Active Directory:

  • Enter the user name manually.
  • Click the Search button and select the user name from the list that is populated.
  • Remove a user name that is a custom attribute. The format of the custom attribute should be as follows:$\{CustomAttributeName\}
  • Remove a user name via an Xpath. This is done by clicking the Schema button, and selecting a node. The user name will be obtained via the Xpath at run time.

Common AgilePart Properties

The properties of the basic AgilePart AgileShape are also included in this AgileShape. For more information, see AgilePart.