Excel Write

This AgileShape can be used to create and afterwards modify an Excel document based on an Excel template. The resultant document can be saved either to a SharePoint document library or to a directory path (local on the server or a shared folder).

Properties for This AgilePart

Field Name Definition

Opens the Excel Write Configuration dialog box, where you can configure an Excel write action.


In order to update the named fields in the Excel sheet, they need to be mapped to the process values here.

The named fields appear in the list box on the right and can be mapped to, by selecting them first and then pressing the arrow button.

Once a named field is in the mapping grid on the left, in order to map it to a process value, first select the row and then press the ellipsis button to select from the schema dialog for the process or type a custom attribute directly in the ProcessValue column.

If the file in Design-time Template changes, then it is necessary to press the Refresh button to reload the named fields again.

Common AgilePart Properties

The properties of the basic AgilePart AgileShape are also included in this AgileShape. For more information, see AgilePart.