An activity that accesses BizTalk Rules Engine and its policies which are registered in the AgilePoint Envision. User can select the appropriate BizTalk Rules Engine and its specific policies using the BRE shape.

Properties for This AgilePart

Field Name Definition

Specifies the name of the Business Rule Policy associated with this AgileShape.


Specifies the version of the Business Rule Policy (see Policy) associated with this AgileShape.


This property allows the process modeler to configure which BizTalk Business Rule Policy should be invoked at runtime. It also allows the process modeler to configure the way in which the policy should be invoked (e.g. which custom process attributes should be associated with the policy's input and output).

Click the Ellipses button to open the BizTalk Business Rules Configuration dialog.


Specifies the name of the custom process attribute that contains the XML input that will be passed to the Business Rule Engine. The value of the specified custom process attribute will be passed to the Business Rule Engine when this AgileShape is exited at runtime.


Specifies the name of the custom process attribute that should be used to store the XML output from the Business Rule Engine. The value of the specified custom process attribute will be updated when this AgileShape is exited at runtime.


Opens the CopyListItemsConfiguration dialog box specifies the configuration for copying list items.

Common AgilePart Properties

The properties of the basic AgilePart AgileShape are also included in this AgileShape. For more information, see AgilePart.