AgileForm Parallel

Generates an AgileForm for parallel (non-sequential) approvals. This form appears as an activity in the identified participants' Task List.

In a parallel approval model, the task cannot move forward until a defined set of participants submits an approval. However, the approvers need not approve in any particular order. (For approvals that require a particular sequence, use the AgileForm Serial AgileShape.) Each approver must be defined as an individual participant, using either an ID or a custom attribute. Each participant can also use a unique AgileForm.

For detailed information regarding AgileForms, see the AgileForms Online Help.

Properties for This AgilePart

Field Name Definition

Opens the AgileForm Parallel Configuration Window, where you can configure an AgileForm Parallel approval.

Edit Library

Opens the AgileForms form library editor.

Each field you add to an AgileForm is added to the form library for the process. The fields in a form library are available for use for to all forms within a process.

Export Library

Saves the form as an AgileForms XML form library file.

Import Library

Imports an AgileForms XML form library file.

AgileWork Properties

The properties of the basic AgileWork AgileShape are also included in this AgileShape. For more information, see AgileWork.