Pseudo Tasks

A pseudo task is an item that appears in the Task List of one user in order to monitor or manage the task of another user.

The most common use case for a pseudo task is a manager who wants to monitor the tasks of their subordinates. A pseudo task appears in the manager's task list, where he can view the subordinate's task status, and manage the task. The manager, however, cannot complete the task.

A pseudo task will not block the process from moving forward.

In the following example, the process model includes three activities.

The CFO wants to monitor the Manager Approval tasks. A pseudo task at the CFO activity will be created to track the Manager Approval.

To add a pseudo task:

  1. Initiate a Process and complete the Submit activity.
  2. Logon to Enterprise Manager.
  3. Click on Shadowing and Monitoring link in the Process Adaptation section.
  4. Select the Budget Request Process.
  5. Select the CFO Approval from the Work To Perform drop-down list and select the user.
  6. Click Create.
  7. You can see a task has been created with status carbon.

This task will be completed in two cases: