Migrate a Process Instance

You can migrate a suspended process instance from one process template version to another version at run time without losing any of the information collected prior to migration. You can migrate to a newer version or an older version of a process instance.

This feature enhances the exception handling capabilities by allowing you to select from a list the process instance for which you would like to migrate for handling the specific exception at hand.



Suspend your process:

  1. On the Enterprise Manager Main Page, click the Processes link. The Processes page appears.
  2. Click Find. The Find Process(es) page appears.
  3. Enter the search criteria for your process, and click OK. The processes that match the specified criteria are displayed.
  4. In the search results on the Find Process(es) page, select your process instance.
  5. Click Suspend.


  1. In the search results on the Find Process(es) page, click the process name. The process detail page appears.
  2. Click Migrate. The Select Version of Process Template page appears.
  3. Select the process instance for which you would like to migrate to and click OK.
  4. Use the Migrate Process window to view information about the current process instance activities as well as the activities of the new process instance.

    The following options are available:

    • All - Shows all activities in both the source and destination process instances.
    • Left Only - Shows all activities in the source process instance.
    • Right Only - Shows all activities in both the destination process instance.
    • Difference - Shows the activities in destination process instance that are not included in the source process instance.
  5. If you want to perform bulk migration to migrate multiple process instances using the same options, select Save the migration instruction.
  6. Click Apply. The suspended process instance is migrated to the new process instance.
  7. If you selected Save the migration instruction, the file Instruction_[ID].xml opens in a new browser window. Save this file to the following folder:
    [AgilePoint Server installation]\Tools\
    For more information, see Bulk Migration.
  8. Resume the process instance to bring it to a running state.