Check Out and In a Process Template

This function allows the administrator to check in/out a process template for modification. This prevents more than one user from updating the same process template at the same time. When you want to revise the XML-formatted AgilePoint process template, first do Check Out from the Process Templates page in Enterprise Manger. You will now modify the original process template in Envision. When you have the new version of the template ready to upload (save again as XML in Envision), do Check In from the Process Templates page and check in the latest XML file that you generated. It will prompt you for the new version number. When you check-in a new version of a process model directly from AgilePoint Enterprise Manager, it will be loaded into AgilePoint Server with the status Created, but it will not be automatically Released. You can therefore deploy all of your process model changes to AgilePoint, and then "Release" all of the new versions once all of the changes are deployed.