Bypass or Update a Delay

To update or bypass the delay on the Delay AgilePart during runtime, do the following. This can prevent a process from becoming stuck because circumstances change the requirements for a delay while a process instance is running. Examples include schedule changes due to project requirements or participants' availability.



Open the Process Detail page for the process you want to manage:

  1. On the Enterprise Manager Main Page, click the Processes link. The Processes page appears.
  2. Click Find. The Find Process(es) page appears.
  3. Enter the search criteria for your process, and click OK. The processes that match the specified criteria are displayed.
  4. In the search results on the Find Process(es) page, click the process name. The process detail page appears.
  5. Click the Process Monitor tab.


  1. On the Process Monitor tab, page, click the Delay AgilePart you want to update, and then click Update Delay.
  2. On the Update Delay dialog box, do one of the following, and then click OK:
    • To simply bypass the delay and move the process forward, click Bypass Delay.
    • To update the date and time on which the delay should expire, click Update Delay, and then set the date and time you want.