Ensuring You Are Testing the Correct Version

When testing and debugging custom AgileShapes, you must ensure that AgilePoint Envision is using the correct version:

  1. When making minor implementation changes to an AgilePart or AgileWork, use the same assembly version number when you recompile. (I.e. make sure that the AssemblyInfo file in your project uses a hard-coded version number, and does not include any wildcards.)
  2. After compiling a new version, add it to the GAC, or use the AgilePart Deployment Utility to deploy it.
  3. If AgilePoint Server is already running and has already loaded an older copy of the assembly into memory, then you will need to reset IIS (e.g. run "iisreset") or restart the AgilePoint Server application in order to force AgilePoint Server to load the newer copy of the assembly into memory the next time it is needed.
  4. If you compile a new copy of the assembly with a new assembly version number (as opposed to #1 above), then you will also need to unregister and reregister the AgileShape's assembly in Envision. However, if you followed the recommendations in #1 above, then you do not need to unregister or reregister the AgileShape's assembly from Envision (other than the single, initial registration of the assembly before you first use it.