Manual Setup

The following steps must be completed before running an ASP.NET web application with the Task List Web Part:

  1. Set up the personalization database for the Web Part. Execute the command aspnet_regsql as follows:
         -E -S [hostname] -A all

    Where [localhost] points to the default MS SQL Server instance running on the local machine.

    Running this command creates a database with name aspnetdb.  This can be changed to any value and the same should be reflected in the connection string in the next step. This step is a one-time execution as the personalization database will work for multiple Web Parts.

  2. Open the web.config file and replace the connection string LocalSqlServer under the <connectionStrings> node with the location you defined in the previous step:
    <add name="LocalSqlServer"
         connectionString="Data Source=[hostname];Initial
         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />