
Contains information about the manual work items.


For the descriptions in this table, the term item refers to a manual work item.

Column Name Data Type Size Description
WORK_ITEM_ID varchar 32 (Primary key) The unique item ID.
NAME nvarchar 64 The name of the manual work item. It is the Work To Perform property of the manual activity specified in the process template.
LAST_MODIFIED_BY nvarchar 64 The user who last updated, or modified, the item.
ASSIGNED_DATE datetime 8 The date the work item was assigned to its participant.
LAST_MODIFIED_DATE datetime 8 The date the item was last modified.
CANCELLED_DATE datetime 8 The date the item was canceled.
COMPLETED_DATE datetime 8 The date the item was completed.
DUE_DATE datetime 8 The date the item is due.
CREATED_DATE datetime 8 The date the item was created.
SOURCE_WORK_ITEM_ID varchar 32 The ID of the work item this one was reassigned from.
DUE_HANDLED varchar 3 Indicates whether this is an item with TimeOut.
WAIT_WORKPERFORMED varchar 3 A boolean value used to represent if it needs to wait for the work item to be performed.
PROC_DEF_ID varchar 32 The ID of the process definition this item is associated with.
PROC_INST_ID varchar 32 (Foreign key to WF_PROC_INSTS table) The process instance ID.
ACTIVITY_INST_ID varchar 32 (Foreign key to WF_ACTIVITY_INSTS table) Represents the ID of the activity instance this item is associated with.
STATUS nvarchar 16

The status of the work item.

New: The work item is in a pool, more than one participant shares the work item and needs to be assigned.

Assigned: The work item is assigned to a participant and needs to be performed.

Removed: The work item was originally in a pool (status is new), and didn't get assigned to the user.

Completed: The work item is completed.

Reassigned: The work item is re-assigned to the other user.

Canceled: The work item is canceled.

Overdue: The work item is overdue.

Carbon: The work item is a carbon copy that does affect process instance running.

USER_ID nvarchar 64 The participant of the work item.
WORK_OBJECT_ID nvarchar 256 The Work Object ID associated with the item.
PENDING varchar 3 Indicates whether the item is pending.
APPL_NAME nvarchar 256 The name of the application associated with the item.
BEING_PROCESSED varchar 3 Indicates whether the work item is being processed.
SESSION_ int 4 Indicates the number of times the item has been completed or attempted.
POOL_ID varchar 32 The ID of the pool of manual work items that belong to the same activity instance. It is NULL if only one work item exists for the activity instance.
ORIGINAL_USER_ID nvarchar 64 The original participant of the work item, the one for which it was reassigned from.
CLIENT_DATA ntext 16 The client data for the item.
POOL_INFO nvarchar 64 Used for Dynamic groups AgileWork to store the group name.
RESTRICTION_TYPE char 2 The type of restriction on a work item (e.g. empty = activity, P = Process, C = Child Work Item, M = Main Process). 
PRIORITY nvarchar 16 The priority of the work item.
ACTIVATED_DATE datetime 8 The date the Manual Activity get activated
PHASE nvarchar 32 Reserved for future use.
ROLE nvarchar 32 Reserved for future use.


Table Name Relationship