AgilePoint Database Schema / Tables |
For the descriptions in this table, the term item refers to a mail deliverable.
Column Name | Data Type | Size | Description |
ID | nvarchar | 32 | (Primary key) The unique item ID. |
STATUS | nvarchar | 32 |
The status of the mail deliverables. Sent: Indicates email has been sent to the SMTP server. Failed: Indicates email failed to be sent to the SMTP server. Created: Indicates email is created to preprocess. Canceled: Indicates email is canceled. Deferred: Indicates email does not need to be sent immediately. |
PROC_INST_ID | varchar | 32 | (Foreign key to WF_PROC_INSTS table) The process instance ID. |
ACTIVITY_INST_ID | varchar | 32 | (Foreign key to WF_ACTIVITY_INSTS table) Represents the ID of the activity instance this item is associated with. |
REASON | nvarchar | 2048 | The reason the mail deliverable failed and was canceled. |
DELIVERY_TIME | int | 4 | The number of times the server tried to deliver the mail deliverable. |
NEXT_SENDING_DATE | datetime | 8 | The date the server will try to re-deliver the mail deliverable. |
CREATED_DATE | datetime | 8 | The date the item was created. |
SESSION_ | int | 4 | Indicates the number of times the item has been completed or attempted. |
Table Name | Relationship |
WF_PROC_INSTS | n – 1 |