
Contains the configuration for AgileConnectors, most importantly for NLB deployments.


For the descriptions in this table, the term item refers to an AgileConnector.

Column Name Data Type Size Description
APP_NAME nvarchar 256 (Primary key) Represents the name of the application.
DESCRIPTION nvarchar 2048 A free text description of the item.
CATEGORY nvarchar 64 Reserved for future use.
TYPE_INFO varchar 1024 The meta data information about the AgileConnector assembly and class name.
CREDENTIAL nvarchar 256 The authentication credentials for the AgileConnector.
CREATED_DATE datetime 8 The date the item was created.
CREATED_BY nvarchar 64 The user who performed the configuration (i.e. AgilePoint System User)
LAST_UPDATED_DATE datetime 8 The date the item was last updated.
LAST_UPDATED_BY nvarchar 64 The user who last updated, or modified, the item.
CFG_XML ntext The AgileConnector configuration data stored as XML.


Table Name Relationship
None Not Applicable