Class Properties

A list of all properties within the Web Service API Classes

Property Name Type Description
Action MigrationAction The migration action.
ActivityInstID string Gets and sets activity instance ID.
Any WFAny Gets and sets the WFAny to be compared.
AutoStart bool Gets and sets the value that determines if the process should start immediately after it is created.
BusinessTime bool Determines whether the system should calculate duration as business time
ClientData string Gets and sets client data.
ColumnName string Gets and sets the associated column name in database.
CustomAttributes NameValue Gets and sets custom attributes in XML format
customAttributes NameValue Gets and sets custom attributes in XML format
Department string Gets and sets department of this user
Designated bool Gets and sets the flag that determines if the event should be handled by a designated engine.
Diagnostic bool Gets and sets the flag that determines if the process data will be deleted from database after the process is completed.
EMailAddress string Gets and sets e-mail address of this user
EndDate System.DateTime Gets and sets the completion date of event.
Entries int Gets the relay time of the event.
Error string Gets and sets the error message of the event.
EventID string Gets and set the event ID.
EventName string Gets and sets the name of the event.
FullName string Gets and sets full name of this user
IncludeXmlData bool Specifies whether a migration includes XML data.
IsValue bool Gets and sets the flag that indicates if it compares a value or column of table
Key string Gets and sets the key of this instance.
Length string Length of time duration
Manager string Gets and sets manager of this user
MatchingActivityDefinition class Provides information for activity migration.
MergedProcessInstance MergedProcessParameter An instance of the MergedProcess Parameter class that includes the merged process instance.
MergingProcessInstanceIDs string An array that includes the process instance IDs of the process instances you are merging.
Name string The name of an item, such as the name of an attribute in a name-value pair.
Operator int Gets and sets the operator used for comparison.
ParamsXml string Gets and sets the parameters as XML.
ParentProcInstID string Gets and sets parent process instance ID.
PartialRollbackUnits PartialRollbackUnit[] An array of instances of the PartialRollbackUnit class.
ProcDefID string Gets and sets process template (process definition) ID.
ProcessInstanceID string Gets and sets process instance ID.
ProcessInstanceName string Gets and sets process instance name.
ProcInstID string Gets and sets process instance ID.
ProcInstName string Gets and sets process instance name.
RegisteredDate System.DateTime Gets and sets date registered
Sender string Gets and sets sender of the event.
SentDate System.DateTime Gets and sets the sent date of event.
SourceProcessDefinitionID string The ID of the original, or source, process definition.
SourceWorkItemID string Gets and sets work item (task) ID.
SplitProcessInstances SplitProcessParameter[] An array of instances of the SplitProcessParameter class.
Status string Gets and sets the status of the event.
TargetProcessDefinitionID string The ID of the target, or destination, process definition.
ThrowAwayInstance bool Gets and sets the flag that determines if AgilePoint server should clear the process from cache
Title string Gets and sets title of this user
Type int Gets and sets the type of a WFAny object.
Unit WFTimeUnit Time unit, hour, day, week, month, and year
UserID string Gets and sets user ID.
UserName string Gets and sets qualified user name of this instance qualified user name formats as [Domain Name]\[Logon Username] or [Local host name]\[Logon Username]
Value int The value for an item expressed as an integer, such as a time unit.
Value object The value for an item, such as the value for an attribute in a key-value pair.
Value string The value for an item, such as the value for an attribute in a name-value pair.
WorkItemID string Gets and sets work item(task) ID.
WorkObjectID string Gets and sets work object ID.
WorkObjectInfo string Gets and sets information about a work object.