Set Up the PDF Generator

Most AgilePoint users who generate PDFs use AgilePoint's PDF Generator AgilePart. However, it is possible to use the built-in PDF generator module for AgileForms, as well. This method simply requires some additional setup.

If you want to use the AgileForms PDF Generator, complete the procedures in this topic. Note that this is optional, depending upon the requirements for your organization.

Register the PDF Generator

To register the PDF Generator for AgileForms:

  1. Open the folder [AgileForms Server Installation]\FS2\Forms\pdfgen.
  2. Double-click the registration file that is appropriate for your system to add it to the registry:
    • 32 bit - ABCpdfRegistration.reg
    • 64 bit - ABCpdfRegistration64bit.reg

Update the Print CSS Location

To update the print CSS location:

  1. In a text editor, open the file [AgileForms Server Installation]\Agileforms Server\FS2\overrides.txt.
  2. In overrides.txt, add the following line, replacing [hostname] and [port] with the information for your AgileForms Server machine:
    Forms/print_css_location: "http://[hostname]:[port]/js/print.css"
  3. Restart the Windows service named Firmstep.