Configuring AgileForms Back Office Integration

Executable Configuration

If you want to configure Back Office Integration using the executable configuration tool:

Open the file AgilePoint.AgileForms.BackOfficeConnector.exe located at C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgileForms Integration for SharePoint\.

Manual Configuration

If you want to install AgileForms Back Office Integration manually:

  1. Add the following .wsp SharePoint Solution files to your SharePoint Web Application(s) using the stsadm tool via command line as follows:

    (You can find the stsadm.exe at location C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN).

    stsadm -o addsolution -filename
  2. To deploy the SharePoint Solutions, open SharePoint Central Administration and go to the Operations tab. Click Solution management under the Global Configuration section. Deploy FirmstepSharepointConnector.wsp to your SharePoint Web Application(s).

Configure Anonymous Authentication

If you want to perform SharePoint lookups from AgileForms, you must do the following:

  1. In IIS, navigate to your SharePoint web application.
  2. Within the SharePoint web application, open the folder _layouts > FormStepSharepointAgileConnector.
  3. Set Anonymous Authentication to Enabled.