Configure AgileForms Server

Once you have installed AgileForms Server, configure the AgileForms Server software.

  1. To open the AgileForms Server Configuration dialog box, click Start > All Programs > AgilePoint  > AgileForms > AgileForms Configuration.
  2. On the AgileForms Configuration Manager dialog box, modify the information on the System tab and Database tab as required.
  3. When you have completed the configuration, click OK.

System Tab

Field Name Definition
Server URL

URL of the AgilePoint Server.


The domain name for the AgilePoint Server.

User Name

The user name for the AgilePoint Server.


The password for the AgilePoint Server.

Hosting Mechanism

IIS or Windows Service, depending on your AgilePoint Server installation type.

AgileForms Designer Host

Host name and port number for the main AgileForms web site in the format [hostname]:[port]. Example: agileformsite:9000

AFUser Always Anonymous

Select if you want the administrator account for AgileForms to log on as anonymous.


The LDAP path to your Active Directory – for example, LDAP://dc=MyCompany,dc=com.


The user name for accessing Active Directory.

LDAP Password

The password for accessing Active Directory.

Database Tab

Field Name Definition

The user name for connecting to the database.


The password for the user needed for a database connection.

Integrated Security

Select Integrated Security to use Windows authentication for a database connection.

Database Server

Specify the database server name, and click Retrieve database to populate the database lists.


Select the Site_Master database.

Site DB

Select the Site_Template database.

Auth DB

Select the Auth_Template database.

Run Database Scripts

Select Run Database Scripts if you want to generate tables automatically.