Process Definition Methods

This section describes how process definitions are managed. The AgilePoint server supports version control to ensure that process definitions are archived and maintained for later use. A process definition can spawn many process instances. Employing version controls allows the AgilePoint Server to store multiple versions of a single process definition.

The project lifecycle of a process definition can be defined by the following steps:

  1. Create Process Definition – Create a process definition. The version for the initial process definition is version 1.
  2. Created –Confirm that the process definition has been created.
  3. Release process definition – Once a process definition has been created, it must be "released." This allows the process definition to be checked out and edited/modified.
  4. Check out process definition – If changes or modifications are made, the process definition is "checked out." Changes can then be made to the process definition.
  5. Modify process definition – After a process definition has been checked out, changes can be made to the process definition.
  6. Check in process definition – Once all changes/modifications have been made, the process definition is checked in, so the changes are committed to the process definition. The process definition is now version 2.
  7. Retire process definition – Once version 2 of the process definition has been checked in, the previous version 1 is retired. Retired process definitions can also be deleted.