With an out-of-the-box web service proxy included with AgilePoint, a reference to the
namespace must be created. There are two methods to create a namespace reference:
- Use the AgilePoint pre-compiled web
service proxy. This method is recommended because it allows for easier upgrades.
If you use AgilePoint proxy, you do not need to change your references to it
when you upgrade the AgilePoint server because the new functions are included
with the AgilePoint proxy.
- Add the following commands to your assembly file:
- Ascentn.workflow.shared
- Ascentn.workflow.WFBase
- Ascentn.workflow.WFXML
- Add a namespace using Ascentn.WorkflowBase
- Use Microsoft Visual Studio to generate a web service proxy. The disadvantage to
this method is that you must regenerate the proxy each time you upgrade the
AgilePoint Server.