Meeting Schedule for Exhange Server Window

Specifies the authentication mode to be used to access the Exchange Server and schedule the appointment and the appointment details.

Field Definitions

Field Name Definition
(Authentication) URL

Specifies the Exchange Server URL.

(Authentication) Domain, Username, Password

Determines that a specified account will be used to access the Exchange Server and what the credentials will be.

(Authentication) Use AgilePoint System User

pecifies to use the AgilePoint System User credentials to access the Exchange Server.

The credentials and URL can be verified by clicking the Test button. The Test button is disabled if “Use AgilePoint System User” is checked. In both cases, make sure that the user has proper access rights to the Exchange Server.

(Appointment or Meeting) Subject, Location, Start Time, End Time, Time Zone

The details about the appointment or meeting.

(Appointment or Meeting) Body

The body of the email. Accepts custom attributes and schema by typing ${.