This AgileShape enables you to track the time it takes to complete a range of elements in a process instance. Within a process template, you can set more than one timer using the same SLA AgileExtender shape.
NOTE: This AgileShape is a specialized sub-type of the AgilePart AgileShape. Refer to the documentation for the AgilePart AgileShape for additional information about the properties and behavior that this sub-type inherits from the AgilePart AgileShape.
Design-Time Properties
NOTE: Since this AgileShape is a specialized sub-type of the AgilePart AgileShape, all of the standard properties supported by the AgilePart AgileShape are also supported by this AgileShape. Since they are already documented elsewhere, the standard AgilePart properties are not documented in this section. Refer to the documentation for the AgilePart AgileShape for information about the standard AgilePart properties. Additional design-time properties (other than the standard AgilePart properties) that are specific to this AgileShape are documented below.
SLA Timer
This property enables you to configure the SLA timer, including the range of AgileShapes you want to time. Configuration includes:
Click the Ellipses button to open the WCF Service Configuration dialog (as shown below).
Creates a new timer with a name you specify.
Deletes the selected timer.
Start Activity
The activity upon which you want to start the timer.
End Activity
The activity upon which you want to end the timer.
Fixed Date
Selects a date to expire the timer.
Calculate Date
Calculates a date to expire the timer based on the information you enter.
Optionally sends a preconfigured notification type when the timer expires.
Sub Process
Optionally starts a subprocess when the timer expires. The list is populated from the subprocesses in your process model.