.. _Rest_Connectors: ========================== Data Connectors/REST Connector ========================== .. tip:: REST Connector is available from release 3.9.4. The **REST Connector** is a special type of connector to interact with REST APIs. Add REST connector ------------------ Here, user adds and configures a new REST connector. #. In browser, log in to AgilePoint NX as a user with Data Connectors permission. #. Click Settings, then Data Setup then Data Connectors in the left menu. .. _Connector_Rest_Add_Connector: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Add_Connector.png :width: 500px Add Connector #. Select the Setting Level: either System or a specific tenant. #. Click on Add Connector in the middle panel. .. _Connector_Rest_Server_Type: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Server_Type.png :width: 700px Connector REST Data Server Type |br| #. Select the REST data server type from the popup. #. The REST Adaptor Connection String Builder popup appears for configuring the connector. |br| .. _Connector_Rest_Builder: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Builder.png :width: 700px REST Adaptor Connection String Builder |br| a. The **Endpoint Name** will be automatically populated. User can edit to give it a more suitable name. b. Fill in the **Address** of REST API, e.g. "https://yourservice.com:9000". c. Fill in the **Data Path** field with the endpoint that return one or more datasets, e.g. "/api/get/orders". |br| Supported optional parameter: |br| - {0} - placeholder to substitute the dataset name from the schema, e.g. "/api/get/{0}" Sample response: .. code-block:: json ["Orders", "OrderDetails", "Customers", "Products", "Categories"] d. Optional. Fill in the **Schema Path** field with the endpoint that returns a list of dataset names. |br| If it is empty, the endpoint will contain only 1 dataset with data from the Data Path. e. Optional. Click Advanced Options button. User can change the following settings: |br| .. _Connector_Rest_Advanced_Options: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Advanced_Options.png :width: 700px Advanced Options **Flatten Arrays** |br| Enable this setting to flatten array properties into rows of their own. |br| For example, there is the following object: .. code-block:: json { "order": "96e41566", "date": "2020-05-01", "quantity": 30, "country": ["USA", "Germany", "Italy", "France"] } If Flatten Arrays is enabled, then it flattened into the following table: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - order - date - quantity - country * - 96e41566 - 2020-05-01 - 30 - USA * - 96e41566 - 2020-05-01 - 30 - Germany * - 96e41566 - 2020-05-01 - 30 - Italy * - 96e41566 - 2020-05-01 - 30 - France Otherwise, this is only one row: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - order - date - quantity - country * - 96e41566 - 2020-05-01 - 30 - ["USA", "Germany", "Italy", "France"] This setting is enabled by default. **Flatten Objects** |br| Enable this setting to flatten object properties into columns of their own. Otherwise, nested objects are returned as strings of JSON. |br| The property name is concatenated onto the object name with 'Sub-column Separator' to generate the column name. |br| For example, there is the following object: .. code-block:: json { "address": { "country": "USA", "region": "WA", "city": "Seattle", "street": "1029 - 12th Ave. S." } } If Flatten Objects is enabled, then it flattened into the following table: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - address.country - address.region - address.city - address.street * - USA - WA - Seattle - 1029 - 12th Ave. S. Otherwise, this is only one column with the value: .. list-table:: :widths: 100 :header-rows: 1 * - address * - { "country": "USA", "region": "WA", "city": "Seattle", "street": "1029 - 12th Ave. S." } This setting is enabled by default. **Flatten Depth** |br| Use this setting to set the level of nested objects to be flattened. |br| For example, there is the following object: .. code-block:: json { "order": "9c588124", "date": "2020-04-21", "address": { "primary": { "country": "USA", "region": "WA", "city": "Seattle", "street": "1029 - 12th Ave. S." } } } If Flatten Depth is 2, then it flattened into the following table: .. list-table:: :widths: 15 17 17 17 17 17 :header-rows: 1 * - order - date - address.primary.country - address.primary.region - address.primary.city - address.primary.street * - 9c588124 - 2020-04-21 - USA - WA - Seattle - 1029 - 12th Ave. S. If Flatten Depth is 1: .. list-table:: :widths: 30 35 35 :header-rows: 1 * - order - date - address.primary * - 9c588124 - 2020-04-21 - { "country": "USA", "region": "WA", "city": "Seattle", "street": "1029 - 12th Ave. S." } The default value is 4. **Sub-column Separator** |br| Use this setting to set which separator to use for flattened objects. The default value is '.' (dot). **Request Cache Enabled** |br| Use this setting to enable/disable caching of endpoint datasets. This setting is enabled by default. **Request Cache TTL** |br| Use this setting to set TTL for the cache. The default value is 600 seconds. f. Optional. **Request Headers** |br| Type a header name and value in the appropriate fields. |br| After you begin to type any value, a new row will appear for the next request heder. .. _Connector_Rest_Request_Headers: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Request_Headers.png :width: 700px Request Headers g. Optional. **Request Body** |br| Type a request payloadt to the Request Body field. |br| If this field is not empty, then the connector sends POST request, otherwise GET. .. _Connector_Rest_Request_Body: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Request_Body.png :width: 700px Request Body #. Add one or more endpoints if necessary. |br| Use presets to prefill the data of the new endpoint with values from any existing endpoint. .. _Connector_Rest_Presets: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Presets.png :width: 700px Presets #. Click OK button to verify the connection and go to the next step after all required fields are filled in. #. Expand the listed user schemas and object types to see the data sources. |br| The data sources can be quickly filtered by typing a partial name in the Search box. .. _Connector_Rest_Data_Sources: .. figure:: /_static/images/connector_rest/Connector_Rest_Data_Sources.png :width: 700px Data Sources #. Click on the data sources to move them between the two lists. User can quickly move all data sources in a group (Table, View, Stored Procedure or Function) by clicking on that group name. #. Fill in the **Connector Name**. #. Click Save button at the top to save the connector and the visible data sources.