Http Post Configuration Window

This window enables you to configure an HTTP post action.

Field Definitions

Field Name Definition

The HTTP page URL section should contain a valid URL such as http://MachineName:PortNumber/WebApplication.aspx.

The Authentication section allows you to specify the authentication for doing the Http post function.

Do one of the following:

  • Specify an account by Domain\\username and password. You can validate whether this account is valid by clicking on the Test button.
  • Use the AgilePoint System User at runtime, that means it will impersonate the system account of AgilePoint.
  • Use the default credential, this means it will use the account credentials that are used when logging into the Web application.

This tab allows you to specify a custom header by clicking on the ellipses button.

Note: The Value field cannot accept special characters, such as "~!@#$%^&*. " etc.

You can add parameters that will be used while posting to a Web application, for example:

  • Schema - You can attach a Xpath if the process is based on a template with a associated schema.
  • Add - Append a new row in a table.
  • Remove - Delete the current row in a table.
  • Remove All - Remove all rows in a table.

This tab allows you to bind a response. You can bind the response in two ways. One is to bind the response with an AgilePoint Schema, the other is to store it in a custom attribute. If the Web application that is called is based on Base64 Encode, make sure to select this option.


This tab allows you to enable SSL Authentication.

If SSL Authentication is checked, you can add client certificates by clicking the ellipses button at the right side.


This tab allows you to specify whether a proxy can be used during the execution of the Http Post.