Create Group Window

Specifies the group information to create in Active Directory. If the process template is associated with a schema, the Schema buttons will appear allowing you to select an Xpath. Custom attributes are also supported.

Field Definitions

Field Name Definition
Group Name

Specifies the affected group name (the group name to be created, removed, etc.). The Group Name cannot be duplicated in the domain. Also, once the Group is created, it cannot be changed.

Group Name (Pre-Windows 2000)

Specifies the log name of the account, the difference between the Group Name above and this field is it can be modified after it has been created.

Email Address

Specifies the email address of the group.

Verify Group

This button verifies the availability of the group name. The button is available just for the context domain if the context is reachable at design time. For example, if the context domain binds with a custom attribute, and the value depends on it at run time, in this case, the button is unavailable.

Group Scope

Refers to the profile of Group Scope in Active Directory.


Refers to the profile of Group Type in Active Directory.