Excel Read Configuration Window

This window enables you to configure an Exel read action

Field Definitions

Field Name Definition
Excel Services URL (Required)

The URL of the Excel Service.

For example http://moss.litwareinc.com/_vti_bin/ExcelService.asmx

This could include custom attributes like $\{SharePointURL\}$\{ExcelService\}. Also schema XPaths can be added using the ellipsis button.

Runtime Template (Required)

The Excel template that will be used at run-time (either .xlsx or .xltx). This document will be copied to the location as defined by the Save To parameter.

This could be custom attributes like $\{SharePointURL\}$\{RuntimeTemplateLibrary\}$\{ExcelFilename\}. Also schema XPaths can be added using the ellipsis button.

This file should be equivalent to the Design-time Template file with the same named fields.

This document should be located in either a SharePoint Doc Library or in a shared folder. Either way, this must be added to the Trusted file locations of the Excel Services (configured in SharePoint Central Administration - Shared Services):

Design Time Template (Required)

Excel template to use at design-time. This template document is loaded at design-time to get access to all the named fields in the Excel sheet for mapping purposes. It is not used at run-time.

This file should be equivalent to the Run-time Template file with the same named fields. Also, while designing in Envision, the file should be accessible to the Process Designer from his/her PC via the Browse button.