
A fully functional activity that is associated with a user interface (such as Web Form, Win Form) to perform human task. A manual activity requires set up of task type, participant, and schedule to generate task at runtime and prompt for human intervention. For instance, a manual activity may be to prompt a user interface at run time for placing an order, approving a request, submitting or reviewing a document, etc.

AgileWork Properties

Field Name Definition

Read Only

Default value:, AgileWork

The display name of the AgileShape.


Read Only

Default value: or AgileWork

The ID that uniquely identifies this AgileShape from all others within the same process template.



Note: This property is ignored at runtime.

A description of the AgileShape. This property is primarily used as a means of recording additional notes, comments, and details about this AgileShape in order to make the process template more understandable to process modelers.


Default value: False

Determines whether the activity represented by this AgileShape can be manually cancelled (using AgilePoint Enterprise Manager). This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • True - The activity can be manually cancelled.
  • False - The activity cannot be manually cancelled.

Default value: 10 Minute(s)

Specifies the maximum amount of time that should be allowed for the completion of the activity associated with this AgileShape before it is considered overdue.


Default value: False

Determines whether the time span represents normal time, or business hours only. This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • True - When set to this value, the time span represents a span of business hours only. E.g. 5 Days of business time would normally be equivalent to 7 Days of normal time, and 8 hours of business time would normally be equivalent to 24 hours of normal time.

    As an example, if business hours are configured as 9am to 5pm and a Manual AgileShape activity with a TimeSpan of 6 Business Hours is entered at 4pm on Tuesday, then the activity must be completed by 2pm on Wednesday.

  • False - When set to this value, the time span represents a normal (absolute) time span, and is unaffected by any business time configuration settings.

Default value: 10

The number of time units represented by the time span.

Time Unit

Default value: Minute

The type of time unit represented by the time span. This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • Second
  • Minute
  • Hour
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
Work To Perform

Specifies the name of the manual activity that needs to be performed by the activity’s participant(s).

The value of this property is used by the AgilePoint Task Manager Web Part (for SharePoint portals) and by the AgilePoint Task List Web Control (for ASP.NET applications) to determine the URL of the Web page that contains the UI for the manual activity represented by this AgileShape. However, the exact effects of this property (and the valid values) vary depending on which type of process template the AgileShape is used in.

Note: The AgilePoint Task List Web Control determines the location of an ASP.NET application at runtime from the URL of the application that the Web control’s Web page is in. However, if you plan to use an ASP.NET application for your process’ UI, but you want to use the AgilePoint Task Manager Web Part to display the tasks in SharePoint, you will need to configure both your process and your AgilePoint SharePoint Integration component so that the Web Part can determine the location of your ASP.NET application at runtime. Refer to the AgilePoint SharePoint Integration documentation for additional information.

For Generic process templates:

When used in Generic process templates, this property refers to the name of an ASP.NET Web form in the ASP.NET application associated with the process. It is the page’s file name without the file extension (.aspx). However, if the page resides in a subfolder of the application, you would also include the folder name(s).

E.g. If the URL of your ASP.NET application is:

and the URL of the Web page is: Page.aspx

then you would configure the value of this property as:

My Page

However, if the URL of your ASP.NET application is:

and the URL of the Web page is: Page.aspx

then you would configure the value of this property as:

pages/admin/My Page

For Microsoft InfoPath process templates:

When used in Microsoft InfoPath process templates, this property refers to the Form View of the InfoPath form associated with this AgileShape. The names of the available form views will automatically be listed in the dropdown list for this property (as shown below).

For Microsoft SPDoc process templates:

When used in Microsoft SPDoc process templates, this property refers to the name of an ASP.NET Web form located under the “/_layouts/AP/” subfolder of the document library’s team site. For Microsoft SPDoc process templates associated with an AgilePoint Document Control Library (i.e. a document library created using the “STSAP” SharePoint Team Site template), the following values can be used by default:

  • Submit - This value corresponds to the Web form located at: MyTeamSite/_layouts/AP/APSubmit.aspx

    The Web form allows the participant(s) to select/update the category metadata for the document.

  • Approve - This value corresponds to the Web form located at:


    The Web form allows the participant(s) to either approve or reject the document.

  • Cancel - This value corresponds to the Web form located at:


    The Web form allows the participant to cancel their involvement in the activity represented by this AgileShape. If there is only one participant, then this will also cancel the entire process.

  • Publish -

    This value corresponds to the Web form located at: MyTeamSite/_layouts/AP/APPublish.aspx

    The Web form simply waits for the participant(s) to click the OK button in the form. This value is typically used as the last manual activity in a document workflow, and allows the participant(s) to easily update the system when the manual work associated with the activity is finished.

Activity Entry Email


The name of an Email Template that should be used to generate an automatic email notification when this AgileShape is entered at runtime. If this property is left blank, then an email notification will not be sent automatically when the AgileShape is entered at runtime. If this property is not blank, then an email notification will be dynamically constructed and sent at runtime (when the AgileShape is entered) using the specified Email Template.

Activity Exit Email


The name of an Email Template that should be used to generate an automatic email notification when this AgileShape is exited at runtime. If this property is left blank, then an email notification will not be sent automatically when the AgileShape is exited at runtime. If this property is not blank, then an email notification will be dynamically constructed and sent at runtime (when the AgileShape is exited) using the specified Email Template.

Task Reassigned Email


The name of an Email Template that should be used to generate an automatic email notification when this AgileShape is reassigned at runtime. If this property is left blank, then an email notification will not be sent automatically when the AgileShape is reassigned at runtime. If this property is not blank, then an email notification will be dynamically constructed and sent at runtime (when the AgileShape is reassigned to a new participant) using the specified Email Template.

Reminder Email


This property allows the process modeler to configure “reminders” that will notify users (at runtime) based on certain conditions. This property is typically available with AgileShapes that are associated with one or more participants (e.g. Manual and AgileWork AgileShapes). Click the Ellipses button to open the Reminder Email dialog (as shown below).

This dialog allows the process modeler to choose a specific Email Template that should be used to generate the “reminder” email notification(s). It also allows the process modeler to configure the start time (relative to the AgileShape’s expiration) and the frequency of recurrence at which the email notification(s) will be sent.



The name of an Email Template that should be used to generate an automatic email notification when this AgileShape becomes overdue at runtime.

If this property is left blank, then an email notification will not be sent automatically when the AgileShape becomes overdue at runtime.

If this property is not blank, then an email notification will be dynamically constructed and sent at runtime (when the AgileShape becomes overdue) using the specified Email Template.

Max. Participant

Default value: 1

Specifies how many Participants actually need to be assigned to work on the activity. E.g. If the Participants property is set to a group of users, and Max. Participant is 2, then only 2 users in the group actually need to be assigned to “participate” in the activity when the AgileShape is entered (at runtime). If all users must complete the task, set the value to Maximum.


Specifies the user(s) that the activity can be assigned to for completion. This property can be set to a specific user, group of users, or a user role. To specify multiple participants, separate the usernames with a semicolon (;).

For more information, see Adding Participants to an Activity.

Reuse Participant

Default value: True 

This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • True - Force the same participants to take the rejected cases. E.g. Users A, B, C, D are the Participants and Max. Participant is 2. Initially, A and D are assigned to work on the activity, but have rejected the incoming input. If Reuse Participant is True, then the next time the same incoming input routes back to the activity, the same users (A and D) must be assigned to work on the activity again.
  • False - Any participant or any combination of participants can involve subjected to the MaxParticipant.
Audit Level

Default value: High

This property determines the amount of process related data that is recorded to the workflow database. This property can be set at either the Process Template Properties layer or at the individual AgileShape layer. This property allows you to control the level of granularity in terms of the amount of process related data that is recorded to the workflow database. This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • High - This value indicates that AgilePoint will record all data about the activity or process to the database.
  • Low - This value indicates that AgilePoint will only allow a certain amount of data to be recorded to the database. This option provides a level of control over the granularity of AgilePoint process-related data that is stored in the AgilePoint workflow database, giving some flexibility in the audit trail records by filtering out unnecessary data.

Audit level at Process Template level

  • Manual activity (Generic manual activity and AgileWork) - After the process is completed (reaches \'91STOP' activity):
    • If audit level is set to high all records will be kept at the movement of process completion.
    • If audit level is set to low, the records for manual work items with status of 'Removed' and 'New' will be deleted from the database. After leaving the manual activity, the manual work items with status of 'Removed' will be deleted first, then after the whole process is completed, the manual work items with status of 'New' will be deleted. Also the records for unreached activity instances will be deleted from the database.
    • For example, this is useful if you assign a group to this manual activity. Manual work items with status of 'Removed' and 'New' are not meaningful data after the process completed.
  • Automatic activity - Not supported for now. No action will be taken.
  • Audit level at AgileShape level -
    • Manual activity (Generic manual activity and AgileWork) - If audit level is set to high, all records will be kept at the movement of leaving the activity. Note that one manual activity can have multiple work items at a time.
    • Automatic activity (AgilePart only, not including AgileStub) - If audit level is set to high, all records will be kept at the movement of leaving the activity. If audit level is set to low, the record of auto work item will be deleted from database after leaving the activity. No record will be kept for this particular activity.

      For example, this is useful if you have a 'Delay' AgilePart that goes through a large number of loops. Usually customers are not interested in the information about the 'Delay' AgilePart, so setting the audit level for 'Delay' AgilePart to low, will delete the record immediately and the database size will not grow as fast.

Auto Complete

Default value: False

This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • True - The work item (task) will be marked as completed if it is carried out for the first time. If a subsequent AgileShape causes the process flow to re-enter this same AgileShape, it will not be automatically marked as completed in order to avoid an infinite loop.
  • False - The work item (task) will not be marked as completed.

Default value: False

This property enables you to monitor the performance of and troubleshoot a particular AgileShape. Setting this property to True adds information to the AgilePoint Server log regarding this shape – for example, data being passed to or from the shape, or database connection information. You can use this data to monitor the performance of particular AgileShapes.

This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • False - This value indicates that the AgileShape will not log additional progress and debugging messages to the AgilePoint Server log file at runtime.
  • True - This value indicates that the AgileShape will log additional progress and debugging messages to the AgilePoint Server log file at runtime. These messages are often helpful in verifying that the AgileShape is functioning properly and/or with troubleshooting any problems or suspected problems with the AgileShape’s runtime behavior or configuration.

Default value: Normal

This property indicates the priority level for the task to be shown at runtime in the user's task list. This property can be set to the following specific values, or you can type over the value to set a custom attribute:

  • High - Setting the priority to 'High' will show a Red icon in the users task list next to the task.
  • Normal - Setting the priority to 'Normal' will show a Green icon in the users task list next to the task.
  • Low - Setting the priority to 'Low' will show a Yellow icon in the users task list next to the task.

Default value: Single

 This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • Single - If it is set to single, then ONLY one session is effective, meaning that in a loop scenario as shown below, the engine would cancel a task from the previous session automatically.
  • Multiple - If it is set to multiple, then multiple sessions can be effective in a loop scenario, and the process will wait for all tasks to complete and not cancel any previous tasks.
Wait All Incoming
Note: This property is ignored at runtime unless the AgileShape has multiple In-Connectors.

Default value: False

When an AgileShape has multiple direct predecessors (i.e. it has multiple In-Connectors leading directly from other AgileShapes), this property determines how many of the predecessor AgileShapes must be exited (at runtime) before this AgileShape can be entered (at runtime).

This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • False - This value indicates that the AgileShape will be entered (at runtime) as soon as any one of the AgileShape’s direct predecessors are exited (at runtime).
    Note: This value is functionally equivalent to using the Or AgileShape (with Exclusive property set to False) between this AgileShape and its direct predecessors.
  • True (Dynamic) - This value indicates that the AgileShape will be entered (at runtime) only after all of the AgileShape’s “enterable” direct predecessors are exited (at runtime). If any of the direct predecessors are un-enterable (e.g. they will never be entered in this process instance because conditional logic in the process bypassed them) and therefore un-exitable, then those predecessors are not required to be exited before this AgileShape is entered.
    Note: This value is functionally equivalent to using the And AgileShape (with the Dynamic property set to True) between this AgileShape and its direct predecessors.
  • True (Static) - This value indicates that the AgileShape will be entered (at runtime) only after all of the AgileShape’s direct predecessors are exited (at runtime).
    Note: This value is functionally equivalent to using the And AgileShape (with the Dynamic property set to True) between this AgileShape and its direct predecessors.
    Note: If any of the direct predecessors are un-enterable (see above), then this AgileShape will never be entered, and the process instance may be permanently delayed at this AgileShape.

Design-Time Operations

Changing the positions of the Yes and No connections

You can adjust the positions of the Yes and No connections by right-clicking the AgileShape, then using the Flip Yes, Flip No, and/or Swap Yes and No commands.

Wait Work Performed

Default value: True

This property can be set to the following specific values:

  • True - Any data involved needs to be handled first (e.g. if participants need to input some comments) before the activity is considered complete.
    Note: Developers may need to write code to fully implement this.
  • False - No specific data entry involved (e.g. the participants’ just need to send some letters to the post office). The activity will be complete when the participant(s) manually update the status (e.g. by clicking the “Complete” link in Enterprise Manager).

Read Only

Default value: Automatically determined (based upon the user’s input) when the AgileShape is first added to the process template.

The name of the .NET assembly containing the specific AgilePart component that this AgileShape instance is associated with.


Read Only

Default value: Automatically determined (based upon the user’s input) when the AgileShape is first added to the process template.

The fully qualified Type name (including the namespace) of the .NET class (in the .NET assembly specified by the AssemblyName property) that represents the specific AgilePart component that this AgileShape instance is associated with.