You are here: AgileShapes > Generic BPM > AgilePart


This is a generic AgileShape that can be associated with any AgilePart that is registered in AgilePoint Envision. The user will be prompted to select a specific AgilePart when this AgileShape is added to a process template.

NOTE: Custom AgilePart components must be registered in AgilePoint Envision before they can be used in a process template.


Design-Time Properties

NOTE: The following properties are always available for all instances of the AgilePart AgileShape. However, additional design-time properties will often be available for specific instances of the AgilePart AgileShape. The names, purposes, effect, and availability of these additional design-time properties will depend upon the specific .NET class associated with the AgilePart AgileShape instance.



Read Only

Default value:

The display name of the AgileShape.



Read Only

Default value:

The ID that uniquely identifies this AgileShape from all others within the same process template.




NOTE: This property is ignored at runtime.

A description of the AgileShape. This property is primarily used as a means of recording additional notes, comments, and details about this AgileShape in order to make the process template more understandable to process modelers.



Default value: 10 Minute(s)

Specifies the maximum amount of time that should be allowed for the completion of the activity associated with this AgileShape before it is considered overdue.



Default value: False

Determines whether the time span represents normal time, or business hours only. This property can be set to the following specific values:



Default value: 10

The number of time units represented by the time span.


Time Unit

Default value: Minute

The type of time unit represented by the time span. This property can be set to the following specific values:


Incoming Email


The name of an Email Template that should be used to generate an automatic email notification when this AgileShape is entered at runtime. If this property is left blank, then an email notification will not be sent automatically when the AgileShape is entered at runtime. If this property is not blank, then an email notification will be dynamically constructed and sent at runtime (when the AgileShape is entered) using the specified Email Template.


Outgoing Email


The name of an Email Template that should be used to generate an automatic email notification when this AgileShape is exited at runtime. If this property is left blank, then an email notification will not be sent automatically when the AgileShape is exited at runtime. If this property is not blank, then an email notification will be dynamically constructed and sent at runtime (when the AgileShape is exited) using the specified Email Template.


Audit Level

Default value: High

This property determines the amount of process related data that is recorded to the workflow database. This property can be set at either the Process Template Properties layer or at the individual AgileShape layer. This property allows you to control the level of granularity in terms of the amount of process related data that is recorded to the workflow database. This property can be set to the following specific values:



Default value: Single

 This property can be set to the following specific values:



Wait All Incoming 

NOTE: This property is ignored at runtime unless the AgileShape has multiple In-Connectors.

Default value: False

When an AgileShape has multiple direct predecessors (i.e. it has multiple In-Connectors leading directly from other AgileShapes), this property determines how many of the predecessor AgileShapes must be exited (at runtime) before this AgileShape can be entered (at runtime). This property can be set to the following specific values:



Read Only

Default value: Automatically determined (based upon the user’s input) when the AgileShape is first added to the process template.

The name of the .NET assembly containing the specific AgilePart component that this AgileShape instance is associated with.



Read Only

Default value: Automatically determined (based upon the user’s input) when the AgileShape is first added to the process template.

The fully qualified Type name (including the namespace) of the .NET class (in the .NET assembly specified by the AssemblyName property) that represents the specific AgilePart component that this AgileShape instance is associated with.



Read Only

Default value: Automatically determined (based upon the user’s input) when the AgileShape is first added to the process template.

The name of the method (in the .NET class specified by the ClassName property) that will be invoked at runtime (when the AgileShape is entered).



Allows you to attach documents to the activity that are accessed from the process repository. For more information, see Process Repository.


Reference URL

Allows you to associate an URL to the shape that is used in the process repository. For more information, see Process Repository.



Default value: Local

Specifies the value which determines how AgilePoint Server will handle an AgilePart exception. Two options are available: Local or Global.



Default value: ErrorMessage

Specifies the name of a custom process attribute that should be updated if the AgileShape causes an error at runtime. If such an error occurs, a message containing information about the error will be stored in the custom process attribute specified by this property.



Default value: Success

Specifies the name of a custom process attribute that should be updated when the AgileShape is exited. When the AgileShape is exited at runtime, the value of the AgileShape’s Status property will be stored (as a String) in the custom process attribute specified by this property.